Veronica Vecella is a 7 yr old Indonesian girl who suffers from Leukemia, as the medical facilities in her native Indonesia are not equipped to treat her, her parents have warded her in K K Hospital Singapore.
Veronica’s Family is from Batam,Indonesia. The family of four has three dependents, Veronica, her Mother (Housewife) and Veronica’s elder sister who 12 and studying. They depend on Veronica’s Father’s salary as a cashier at a restaurant, this amount amounts to roughly $110 USD a month.
Before falling victim to leukemia, Veronica was a lively and active girl, who helps her dad with deliveries during weekends. Sometime later she began falling and stumbling, frequently complaining of leg pains. Veronica’s Dad thought little of this as children usually try to skive from work with these excuses.
However soon after on the 15th of august 2010 , while shopping for groceries Veronica collapsed after complaining of a severe pain in her leg. Veronica was brought to a local hospital where she was diagnosed with leukemia; and in a critical condition. The local hospital having no expertise in the treatment of leukemia at this stage referred her to a hospital in Singapore.
While in Singapore Veronica received emergency treatment to stabilize her, however she is still in critical condition. Veronica’s chances of survival are 70% only if treatment is administered soon, problem is the treatments are estimated to cost $100,000 and veronica’s parents have only been able to raise $5000 of their own.
Coupled with personal donations from various persons the amount raised at this moment is $24,841.99. There is still a long way to go and as veronica is not a Singaporean, should payment lapse, the hospital might have to send her back to an Indonesian one, which will mean her demise.